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100 years 1080 1920's 2-up 2018 Great Endeavour Rally 4 x 4 Drive 500 7 a side 90th Abercorn Abercorn Goodwill Games Abercorn State School ag show Agriculture Albert Hotel All Breeds Bull Sale Ambulance Angel Flight animals ANZAC ANZAC Day ANZAC March apprenticeship Army Cadets art art & craft arts and crafts Ashley Cook Astronomical athletics Auction Australia Day Author baking Ball Bands barefoot bowls BBIRT BBQ BCCA BEAR Biologics Beef Beef 24 Beef Australia Beef Australia 2024 Biedo Biggest Morning Tea bike ride Bikes Billy Tea Bingo blacksmith Blasters Blue Light Dance Party Blue Light Disco Board game Board Games Book book club book launch book week books BOQ Bottom Pub bowls Bowls Queensland Boxing tent Boyne Burnett Inland Rail Trail breaky bucking bulls Bull bull riding Bull Sale bulls Burnett Mary Regional Group Burnett Sub Chamber Burnouts Bus bush poets businesses Cadet Cadets Cake cakes Calcutta Camdraft Clinic Campdraft camping Cancer Council cania Cania Dam cania gorge Car Rally Cards Careers Careers expo carnival Carols Carols by Candlelight Carols on the Deck cattle Cattle Drive cattle muster Cattle Sale cattle sales cent sale Centenary Chad Chad Morgan chair yoga Challenge Charbray Charbray sale Chari Yoga Charity Karaoke Night chickens chooks christmas Christmas Carols Christmas Celebration Christmas Eve Christmas Fair Christmas Lunch Christmas Shopping Christmas Street Party Church Circus Cirucs Show Coaching Clinic Coffee Colonial Motor Inn colouring in Come & Try Community Community Christmas Lunch Community Resilience competition Conversations cooking Cooking Tips costume costume parade country music Cows craft crater cricket Crochet cross country cutting CWA Daffodil Day Dairy Dairy Festival Dalga Damper Dance dancing Dawes Range Dawn Service Derek F. Smith Digital Disaster Ready Dog Dog sale dogs Draft draw drawing droving cattle Dry Season easter easter egg Easter Holidays Eat Street Eidsvold Station EKKA EKKA holiday Endeavour Rally entertainment Events exhibition expo face painting Facebook fair family fun family fun day farm farming fashion Fashions on the field fat & store feral pig Fesival of Small Halls Festival Festival of Small Halls Festival of the Three Moons Festivals Field Day Fire Works firearm safety First 5 forever First Aid fish fishing fishing competition flood Floral Art Tips flowers food football football carnival Fred Brohpy Fred Brophy Fresh Food Fresh Food Markets friends Friendship day From the Verandah fruit fun fun day Fun fair fun in the sun Fun Run fundraiser Fundraisers fundraising Funfair Futsal gallery games garage sale Garden garden club Gardening Gatsby Night Gel blaster Gel Blasters gifts Glassford Chimenys Golf Golf Clinic Golf Day goodwill goodwill games Goondicum Grand Finals Grand Hotel granny squares Grant grant writing Grants guinea pigs gun safety hall Halloween handcraft harvesting Heritage heritage day High Tea history holiday holiday fun holidays. horse horse camp horse race Horse Races horse ride Horse Sale horse trail ride horses hospital I Am A Circle individual sport info day Inland Rail Trail jam session Jest Call Me Cowboy jobs jockey jockeys Jr Cricket Junior cricket Kalpowar Kalpowar Hall Kalpowar Tunnels Kapaldo Katherine Outback Experience Kellco Kellco Monto Kellco Rural Agencies Ken Russell knit knitting Koala Koala scat ladies Ladies day Ladies Luncheon lake cania Lamington Late Night Shopping Lawn Bowls Lawn Bowls Carnival LBS Music learn to knit learn to swim leggo library Life Flight Lister Street Artwalk little a's LiveBetter Lock up your pets Lonsdale Agribusiness Luncheon Magical Monto Christmas Celebration March Mario Mario Cart market market day markets Material Girls Mayors Ball Meditation Meetings Melbourne Cup Melbourne Cup Luncheon memorial Men in League Miss Showgirl mitre 10 MMTAG Monal Goldfields Monto 's Festival Monto & District Show Society Monto & Districts Schools Monto Blue Light Disco Monto Bowls Club Monto Car Show Monto Cattle & Country Monto Cattle Drive Monto Centenary Monto Craft Group Monto Cricket Monto Dairy Fesitval Monto Dairy Festival monto football monto golf Monto Golf Club Monto Grand Hotel Monto Historical Society Monto Hospital Monto Hospital Auxiliary Monto Hospital Auxillary monto library Monto Magic Monto Markets Monto Meet Up Monto Meetup Monto Neighbourhood Centre Monto Netball Monto OES Monto Police Monto Pony Club monto primary Monto Quilters Monto Race Club Monto Races Monto Roos Monto Rotary Club Monto RSL Monto Rural Traders Monto School Monto Sheriff's Trivia Night Monto Show Monto Silver Buckle Monto Soccer Monto Socer Monto State High School Monto State Primary School Monto State School Monto-Taragoola Rail Line Monto's 100 Montonian Montonians Montonians Luncheon Morning Tea Mother's Day Classic Mothers Day Movember movie Movie Day movie monday Movie Night movies Mt Scoria Mulgildie Mulgildie Hall Mulgildie Hall Dance Mulgildie Hotel Mulgildie Rodeo Mulgildie State School Mungungo Mungungo Cricket Day Mungungo Hall Mungungo Pub Mungungo vs the World mural Music Musical muster National Landcare Program National Simulataneous NBRC net ball Netball Netball Carnival North Burnett Agriculture Forums North Burnett Youth Week odd jobs oktoberfest Old Rawbelle old schools Old Time Dance Open Pairs Carnival Opera Qld paint painted pots Painting Paraders Parish Fair patchwork Patchwork Retreat Photography Pink Ribbon Plant Swap plants play play group Playgroup poets Pony pony camp Pony Club ponys pool poultry Prep Open Days primary primary school property tour QCWA Qld Rail Quilt Retreat R U OK race Race Sweep races Racing Qld raffle rail trail rail tunnels Railway Precinct railway tunnels Read Read together reading remembrance day retreat rides Ridgehaven Ridgehaven Charity Bowls Ridgehaven Melbourne Cup Luncheon Rifle roast Rock n Roll Rodeo Rotary Royal Flying Doctors Service Royal Show RSL Rugby Rugby League RUOK RUOK Day Rural Rural Ambassador sale sales sand art Sara Storer school School Holiday School Holidays school sports School Sports Days schools science week Scrabble Sewing sheep Sheep Races Sheik shoot shopping Show Show & Sale Show & Shine Show Holiday show rides Show-n-Shine showgirl Shuttle bus Silage singing skate park soccer Soccer carnival Speak Up Tour Spinning & Weaving Spit roast sport sports Sports Day St Patrick's day St Paul's St Therese St Therese Parish Fair St Therese's fair Stage Stalls State Show stores Storm Co. story time storytime Stud Cattle sub chamber awards Summer Summer fun Support the girls swap day Sweeps swim swimming Tag-a-long Tours Talent Quest target team sport teens Tennis The Great Monto Scone-Off The Legend & The Locals The Waves Wide Bay Thundercats The Wolfe Brothers Theatre Theatre Restauaunt Things for monto children to do things for monto kids to do Things for over 50's Things to do Things to do in Monto Things to do in Monto for Kids Things to do in Motno Tiaras tie your dogs up Tom Curtain Top Pub Tractor Trek tractors trade show trade sites trail ride train track traineeship Trivia Trivia Night tunnels tunnels by twilight Udder Butter Ball Udderal Historical Day Under 8 under 8's Under 8's day veggies Ventnor School Vietnam Vietnam Veterans vinnies volunteering volunteers Walter Whip and The Flames waratah waratah hotel Weaner sale Wild Dogs Women Women in Agriculture wood chop Workshop Workshops world premiere Wuruma Yoga yoga day Young Farmers Challenge Young Judges Youth Week
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
Horsemenship & Campdraft Clinic with Ashleigh Kerr
Horsemenship & Campdraft Clinic with Ashleigh Kerr
@ Mulgildie Sports Grounds
Mar 15 – Mar 16 all-day
![]() In readiness for our Campdraft, we are hosting a Horsemenship and Campdraft Clinic with Ashleigh Kerr. Spaces are limited. To secure your spot please fill out the membership paperwork found below and contact Cassie WorleyRead More »Horsemenship & Campdraft Clinic with Ashleigh Kerr
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