Monto Race Weekend
“Burnett to the Beach Race Series”
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- FRIDAY NIGHT – Monto’s Grand Hotel will be holding a Calcutta on the Ken & Gordon Russell Memorial Race. Support our Platinum sponsor and kick-start your races weekend!!
- TICKETS – MUST BE PRE-PURCHASED, no ticket no entry. Gates will close at 2pm – no entry to the track after this time. https://www.trybooking.com/BXGPX
- CORPORATE TABLES – tables of 8 can be purchased when tickets open. A platter option will also be available.
- As per Racing Queensland advice, you must be fully vaccinated to attend our Race Meet. We ask that you add your proof of vaccination certificate to your QLD Check In App, as we will require a visual proof upon entry.
- A MASSIVE thank you to all our Sponsors – without them our day wouldn’t be what it is. Please, support those that support our day.
- COURTESY BUS – Picking up from Monto Post Office from 11am & Duck Inn Store from 11:10am until 1pm, returning after last race approx. 5pm – 8pm.
- PARKING – We encourage Patrons, if possible, to park up the main street and jump on the Courtesy Bus or we will have a drop off point, but vehicles must return to parking area and walk to Ticketing Entrance. The Courtesy Bus will be running return trips after the last race. (see Map)
- POP UP TENTS – Patrons are more than welcome to bring your own 3×3 or 3×6 Pop Up tents and chairs to Race Day. We have an area available for these. Just drop us a Facebook Message so we know numbers of sites required/available space.
- FASHION ON THE FIELD – Nomination table will be located on the cement undercover area near the FOTF stage – nominations will close at 1:30pm. You can pre-nominate by messaging our page.
- GIRLS WEAR YOUR PEARLS – A one off category in 2022 in memory of Rosanne Fisher. Roseanne attended the Monto Races in 2021 & was tragically killed in a car accident on her way home to Brisbane. A dearly missed friend to many; Roseanne loved fashion and dressing up for any occasion. She loved pearls and was always wearing them. So, ‘Girls, Wear your Pearls’.
- CATERING – We have a BBQ and Canteen operating for the duration of the day. If you have purchased a Corporate Table/BYO Tent – you are more than welcome to bring your own nibbles for your table, platters will also be available for order when your book your table.