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Monto Magic

Monto Races


    For a fun filled afternoon of racing come to the Monto Races on the 28th March 2020.

    nMonto Race Club is renown for “Fashions on the Field” Event with large crowd participation for all Sections.  All entrants model their stylish attire in front of the crowd and judges for the $1500 in cash and prizes.  Entry nominations are taken on the day prior to Race 1 at 1.30pm.  All age groups are catered for.n


    nBest Dressed Boy or Girl U12yrsnnBest Dressed Boy or Girl 13/U18yrsnnStylish CouplennGents – Stallion & Steeds (Winner into Final of BOTF)nnElegant Ladies (Winner into Final of BOTF)nnContemporary Ladies (Winner into Final of BOTF)nnStylish MillinerynnMonto Club will also be Hosting – Heat 4 and Finals of “Best of the Burnett” ~ Fashions on the Field 2020.nnThis concept was created in 2018 and is run in conjunction with Eidsvold, Gayndah and Mt Perry Race Clubs.  This would not be possible without our fantastic sponsors and we THANK them sincerely for their wonderful Sponsorship.  We are proud to be associated with them and support their Businesses.nn

    nnWHERE IS THE CLUB LOCATED?nnThe racecourse is located a short distance from the centre of town on Airport Road, turning at the Monto Hospital.nnPARKING AVAILABLE AT TRACK?nnFree Parking is available at the Track.nnThey offer a bus that runs prior and after the Races from the Main Street and we also have a local Taxi Service.nnWHAT IS THE ENTRY COST?nnEntry is $10 for Adults – $5 for Pensioners/High School Children and Primary School age and Under is Free.nnWHAT FOOD AND BEVERAGES ARE AVAILABLE?nnFull Licensed Bar with a vast variety of drinks available, Canteen and BBQ Stalls, Ice Cream Van for big and little kids too!nnWILL WE ENJOY OURSELVES?nnMost definitely!  Excellent afternoon of Racing, Fashions, Food, Drinks, Socialising and we promise you will be back again!!nn