The vision of the Yarners is to bring together people, who may be new to Monto, or isolated at home, or simply looking to join in and find a little "me" space...
- 7 Lister St Monto, at 9.30am until 11.30ish, each Friday.
- Heather's m: 0448 891 640
We have around twelve members, who are always welcome back if for some reason they left. Maybe they moved, or have health issues, or family matters need tending.
As a group we have been given donated wool and unfinished creations, which we aim to turn into useful items for the community.
*The Yarn bombed tree was the first creation, followed by a dozen or so rugs, given to the OP Shop to sell, at reduced cost, to those in need.
*Bunting to guide people to the various Monto Show Exhibition areas was undertaken by Yarners.
*Yarners joined in the Christmas celebrations, singing Christmas Carols , which was fun.
*Yarners have enjoyed several excursions…to the Bunyip Hole for a picnic, and to the Cania Gorge, hiking through the wilderness!!
*Members birthdays have been celebrated at local cafes.
*For Monto’s 100 year celebrations a Teapot Cosy Challenge was instigated by Yarners, and combined with the Monto Neighbourhood Centre, sponsors, to present this challenge.
*Fortnightly “learn to knit” sessions, carried out by Yarners, have become a feature in the Monto Neighbourhood Centre’s program.
*The Ridgehaven Nursing Home has seen Yarners facilitating the weekly knitting group, standing in for the regular facilitator when she is away.
*Yarners meet under the auspices of Monto Magic, who allow us to meet and keep our stash at the Station. Those who join Yarners are asked to become a member of Monto Magic, which involves paying an annual membership fee of $11.
*As a newie to Monto I found hearing the history surrounding the lives of local families and the township to be really interesting.
Yarners meet at the Monto Railway station, 7 Lister St Monto, at 9.30am until 11.30ish, each Friday.
We have a break for a cuppa and share a plate of goodies.
Just bring yourself and any crafty project you maybe working on, though there is plenty of donated wool and gear to get started with.
Sue Muller and Heather Binns
Heather’s m: 0448 891 640
We don’t have a FB page but sometime post a message on buy swap and sell or community connect.
I hold phone numbers of members for the purpose of communication only.

- 7 Lister St, Monto QLD 4630