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Monto Magic

Rail Corridor Monto-Taragoola Community Information Session

    Gladstone Regional Council will be conducting a community information session about the proposed project over the railway Monto-Taragoola corridor.nnThe purpose of this gathering is to:nn1. Inform (based on the information collected from QR) us about the current status of the QR’s proposed project.n2. Provide an update regarding “Tunnels” prospective Cultural Heritage Listing process.n3. Identify prospective joint-community initiatives to be implemented post-project (by QR/its contracting parties) and determine action plans (if required)nnLocal residents and anyone interested in hearing more on this topic are encouraged to attend.nnTo attend, or to find out further information please do not hesitate in contacting Vicki Mackay at Mungungo Pub 4166 166 or Luis Arroyo from the Gladstone Regional Council on 4976 6352.nnMorning Tea will be provided by the Monto Hospital Auxillary for a small donation.