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Monto Magic

The Bunyip Legend of Mulgildie

    Mulgildie Bunyip Hole. Photo Credit: Jamie H (Trip Advisor)

    Tales of a creature lurking the depths of a watering hole in the Three Moon Creek system of Mulgildie have a long and ancient history.

    Many elders and old stockmen tell stories of bubbling water, disappearing cattle, frightening noises and eerie situations. Many claim the water hole has never been dry while indigenous stories tell us traditional owners refused to go near it knowing it as ‘Devil Devil’ Country.

    Legend has it that that both livestock and people have disappeared in its waters never to be seen again.

    The Mulgildie Bunyip Hole is a place of mystery and intrigue. Some locals believe a native lungfish (neoceratodus forsteri) to be responsible for the legend having frightened many a distracted fisherman fishing its waters at night.

    Australian lungfish (neoceratodus forsteri)

    The original word bunyip has been traced to the Wemba-Wemba or Wergaia language of aboriginal people of South-East Australia.  Although deeply entrenched in traditional aboriginal folklore the word bunyip varied between dialects.

    Some scientists believe that the bunyip may have in fact been an ancient rhinoceros sized, wombat like animal called the diprotodon which weighed about 2 tones.

    Diprotodon. Photo Credit: Australian Museum

    It was a herbivorous marsupial. The first diprotodon bones were found in 1839. But it wasn’t until 1893 that large numbers of bones were discovered in swampy areas and ancient lakes. Though extended drought and changing climate may have been responsible for driving the Diprotodon into muddy areas in search of water.

    Diprotodons are believed to have died out about 20,000 years ago, after co-existing with aboriginal people for thousands of years.

    “When Telebang Rumbles, the Bunyip Hole Boils”

    Legend has it that the underground lava tubes of Telebang Mountain (an ancient volcano) are connected to the Bunyip Hole, with some elderly locals recalling the water hole bubbling each time the mountain rumbled.

    A seismograph monitoring system is located in Monto & operates in ‘triggered events’ mode.  The last significant earthquake in the area occurred in 2015 and was felt over 200km away.

    View from the lookout at Telebang Mountain (*private property*)

    Beautiful for a picnic and swimming

    However, if you are looking for a beautiful place to go for a picnic head off to the Bunyip Hole.

    You will find the Mulgildie Bunyip by heading off on the North Burnett Highway at Mulgildie. Drive over the railway line, continue on this road for approx 1.5kms – turn left on to Abercorn Road. Turn left onto Anyarro Road which is approx. 11kms from Mulgildie.

    If you turn left before you cross the bridge and follow the track, you will find a lovely swimming hole.

    Google Maps

    Please be careful about lighting camp fires especially in the hot dry weather and make sure they are well out before you leave.

    If you have any stories about the Bunyip, please share them with us.