The benefits your child will have playing soccer, whether they’re starting out or returning:

We play on a Saturdays at the following venues:
- Biloela at Valleys (Rainbow St)
- Biloela Callide (near Show grounds)
- Moura (Master St) – 1 weekend
- Home Games in Monto – 3 weekends
We don’t play during school holidays.
Team age groups are:
Under 6’s – four a side.
Under 7’s – four a side
Under 9’s – seven a side.
Under 11’s – nine a side.
Under 13’s – nine a side.
Under 16’s – six a side.
This year the South West Clubs are trying something new by having a 6-A-Side competition for the 14 to 16 year olds. They will also have the traditional 11 a side competition as well.