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Monto Magic


Monto Meet Up

    Meet at the Memorial Park in Newton Street for a beautiful drive in the Kapaldo area taking in the sights.nnBring along some morning tea, lunch, water, hats and don’t forget your camera.

    Mulgildie Hall 80th Birthday Dance

      All are welcome to come along and celebrate this milestone in our community.nnMusic by Silver Comets.nnRaffles & a Lucky Door PrizennEntry fee includes supper.nnLots of fun to be had by all.

      St Therese Cent Sale

        Celebrate with a St Patricks Day cent sale at the St Therese Hall.nnAdmission includes afternoon tea and entertainment!!!!!.

        Monto Rotary Fun Run/Walk/Swim

          Come along for a fun morning with the family and help support Rotary to support our community.nnSausage Sizzle at the finish.nnAdults $5-nnChildren 10-18 $2-nnUnder 10’s  FREE

          Mother’s Day Classic

            The Mother’s Day Classic is on again in Monto this year.  Came along and raise money for a fantastic cause.nnOnline registrations are now open – just click on the above link.nn