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Monto Magic


Monto Show

    A great weekend full of events, rides and food.nnKeep an eye out for the Schedule.  Also available on the Monto Show website.

    Monto Community Christmas Lunch

      The Monto Elves invite you to attend their Community Christmas Lunch.nnRSVP is essential to the Monto Library.nnAny donations towards the event would be greatly appreciated.

      The Mayors Ball

        Music will be provided by Max and Thelma Netz.nnFor more details Text or ring Ivan Dunkley 0419650651

        Monto Sheriff Trivia Night

          Everyone 16 years and older can attend.nnA full bar will be available and for your $20- entry fee you will get trivia, prizes, games, pizza and nibbles.nnA maximum of 8 people per table