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Monto Magic


Mungungo Pub Australia Day BBQ

    Come and celebrate Australia Day at the Mungungo Pub.nnBBQ Lunch from 12 NoonnnPrizes for Best Dressed Adult & KidsnnCricketnnKids Water GamesnnPie & Lamington eating competitionnnThong Throwing Competition

    Valentine’s Day Old Time Dance

      Mungungo School of Arts is hosting a Valentine’s Day Old Time Dance.nnMusic by Max & Thlema’s The Silver Comets.nnThere will be raffles, lucky spot prizes & Monte Carlo

      A Spinning Time

        Monto Spinners are having their first Spin, come on down for a great morning.nnBring your wheel or fleece, knitting & crochet or anything you may be working on or simply call in and enjoy a… Read More »A Spinning Time

        Monto & District Show

          The Monto & District Show for 2018 will be held on April 28th & 29th.nnCome along to experience a traditional country show and see exhibits featuring cooking, handcraft, jams & preserves, flowers, plants, livestock and… Read More »Monto & District Show